
The Research Policy Handbook is a  collection of policies, guidelines and general information related to the research enterprise at Stanford.





0.1 Updates, Additions, Deletions and Publishing



1.1 Principles Concerning Research
1.2 Rights and Responsibilities in the Conduct of Research
1.3 Academic Freedom
1.4 Openness in Research
1.5 On Academic Authorship
1.6 Multi-Authored Research Papers
1.7 Research Misconduct: Policy on Allegations, Investigations, and Reporting
1.8 Nondiscrimination in Research Agreements
1.9 Retention of and Access to Research Data
1.10 Information Security



2.1 Principal Investigator Eligibility and Criteria for Exceptions
2.2 Acting Principal Investigatorship

3. Fiscal Responsibilities of Principal Investigators


3.1 Preparation and Submission of Proposal Budgets
3.2 Management of Project Expenditures
3.3 Sponsor Notifications and Prior Approvals

4. Conflicts of Commitment and Interest


4.1 Faculty Policy on Conflict of Commitment and Interest
4.2 PHS and NSF Requirements Regarding Financial Disclosures and Agency Notifications
4.3 Consulting and Other Outside Professional Activities by Members of the Academic Council and Medical Center Line Faculty
4.4 Conflict of Commitment and Interest for Academic Staff and Other Teaching Staff
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4.6 Equity Acquisition in Technology Licensing and Distance Learning Agreements
4.7 Institutional Conflict of Interest in Research Involving Human Subjects

5. Human Subjects and Stem Cells in Research


5.1 Human Research Protection Program
5.2 Federal-wide Assurance for Protection of Human Subjects
5.3 Women as Subjects in Research
5.4 Use of Human Subjects in Student Projects, Pilot Studies, Oral Histories and QA/QI Projects
5.5 Use of Employees or Laboratory Personnel as Research Subjects
5.6 Guidelines for Studies Involving Human Volunteers Receiving Potentially Addicting Drugs
5.7 Training in the Protection of Human Subjects in Research
5.8 Human Stem Cell Research



6.1 Animal Welfare Assurance of Compliance
6.2 Use of Vertebrate Animals in Teaching Activities
6.3 Responsibilities for the Humane Care and Use of Laboratory Animals
6.4 Transport, Care, and Use of Non-Stanford Owned Laboratory Animals on the Stanford Campus
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7. Environmental Health and Safety


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7.2 Health and Safety: Principles, Responsibilities and Practices
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7.4 University Laboratory Animal Occupational Health Program
7.5 Chemical Hygiene Plan and Chemical Hazard Communication
7.6 Radiological Hazards
7.7 Laser Safety
7.8 Biohazardous Agents and Recombinant DNA
7.9 Research Funded by the Department of Energy Through SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
7.10 Operation of Unmanned Flying Vehicles

8. Export Controls


8.1 Applicability and Policy Background, and Regulatory Authority
8.2 Definitions
8.3 Export Licenses for International Transfers of Items, Software or Technical Information
8.4 Accepting a Third Party’s Export Controlled Items or Information
8.5 Export Controls and Stanford’s Openness in Research Policy
8.6 Export Controls and an Individual’s Eligibility as a Recipient of Export Controlled Items, Software Code, or Information

9. Intellectual Property


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9.2 Copyright Policy
9.3 Administration of Copyright Policy
9.4 Tangible Research Property
9.5 Other Intellectual Property: Trademarks, Patents and Proprietary Information

10. Non-Faculty Research Appointments


10.1 Policy and Procedures for Appointment and Promotion: Academic Staff - Research
10.2 Grievance Procedure: Academic Staff
10.3 Postdoctoral Scholars
10.4 Retention of Consultants
10.5 Visiting Scholars
10.6 Relationships Between Students (Including Postdoctoral Scholars) and Outside Entities
10.7 Visiting Student Researchers
10.8 Graduate Student Research Assistantships
10.9 Visiting Postdoctoral Scholars



11.1 Establishing and Managing Independent Laboratories, Institutes and Centers

12. Skeletal Remains


12.1 Human Skeletal Remains

13. Definitions and Types of Agreements


13.1 Gift vs. Sponsored Projects and Distinctions from Other Forms of Funding
13.2 Categories of Sponsored Projects
13.3 Specialized Categories of Sponsored Projects
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13.5 Research Participation Agreements
13.6 Memoranda of Understanding and Letters of Intent

14. Sponsored Project Proposals


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14.2 Academic Policies Pertaining to Sponsored Project Proposals
14.3 University Commitments Pertaining to Sponsored Project Proposals

15. Financial Aspects of Sponsored Projects Administration


15.1 Facilities and Administrative (Indirect Cost) and Fringe Benefits Rates
15.2 Indirect (F&A) Cost Waivers
15.3 Cost Sharing Policy
15.4 Charging for Administrative and Technical Expenses
15.6 Tuition Allowance for Research Assistants
15.7 Undergraduate Student Salaries Charged to Sponsored Projects
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15.9 Program Income

16. Subawards


16.1 Definitions and Classifications
16.2 Proposing a Subaward
16.3 Issuance of a Subaward
16.4 Subrecipient Monitoring
16.5 Closeout of Subawards



17.1 Control of Property



18.1 Committees, Councils and Governing Boards
18.2 Charge to the Committee on Research
18.3 Administrative Panels for Research Compliance
18.4 Confidentiality of Administrative Panel Proceedings


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2.1 Principal Investigator Eligibility and Criteria for Exceptions
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7.2 Health and Safety: Principles, Responsibilities and Practices
4.3 Surplus Property Sales
10.5 Visiting Scholars
10.3 Postdoctoral Scholars
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